This was copied from Niko's Blog
Who is Daniel?
George Daniel Arevalo Samson, is a 5 months old son of my high school friend Clarissa who has biliary atresia with cirrhosis and is in immediate need of liver transplant. Since liver transplant is not yet done locally Daniel is scheduled to have the operation at Chan Gung Hospital in Taiwan on November 24 which will cost P3 Million pesos ($60,000).
Now, no matter how much I feel ashamed for asking help again, there is a must in my heart that says I have to do it for the sake of the child and their family. I am now on my knees, with tears in my eyes knocking on each of your hearts for $3 to help save Daniel’s life...
I know God moves in mysterious ways and I have faith that the Lord will grant us our fervent wish if we ask in group. I am asking for prayer power and blog power, if you have a blog please spread about this $3 for Daniel Project.

Or you can simply send your donation at my paypal address: Let us help Daniel on his fight, your 3$ can make a BIG difference on Daniel's life.