I've been experiencing if not the worst but by far not an ordinary allergy ever I had encountered. It started from my right hand a year ago. I went to see the Doctor whom I've been paying thru monthly insurance contribution of more or less £170.00 (P13,000). After seeing this Expensive Doctor, all I've got was disappointment because it was the Doctor who asked me how did I possible acquired this
allergy? instead of the other way around. After he gave me the prescription I didn't bother seeing the
answer seeking Doctor because what I need is an answer giving one for my questions.

few weeks ago, my viral friend must have missed me so much and paid me a visit. I thought it was just "hish and hush" but behold he wanted to stay longer. I called the Doctors receptionist on Friday and I was told I have to call first thing in the morning for an appointment to see the same doctor. I did not. I opted to self medicate. Bought packs of
BENADRYL - fast effective relief from allergies. My viral friend decided to explore my whole body affecting mostly my face and my legs. I just can't resist this friend of mine. He was/he gave a feeling too good not to scratch to and too resilient to be affected by
BENADRYL. The fast relief from allergies, active in 15 minutes has by now taken more than 15 days and it still doesn't show signs of my viral friends weakening. I tried calling the same receptionist yesterday and she said call us tomorrow morning! I guess I've got no choice but to really take my viral friend seriously and see the doctor on monday. My viral friend might be too serious for BENADYRL to handle all by itself although it has at some point really alleviate itchiness.