I had been using my PayPal account in internet buying and transaction for quite awhile already and I surely didn't expect that time that I will be encountering the problem I had been through/and still working out right now. almost a week ago I bought something in ebay through PayPal and almost spent the rest of my account balance on something else; such as foods and some delicacies. Then I was expecting that I still probably have around $200 in my current account and decided to withdraw the rest few days ago and I was surprised to see what I've got is zero balance. I ignored it for few days until tonight when I went to check my current account online and found that I've just made a payment to someone somewhere in the USA for $250.00 worth regarding (MintDNS v2.0 2008) - I had just unknowingly paid such amount for a server I myself didn't know existed! and worst, I received a restriction usage of my PayPal account from PayPal itself since the balance in my current account when the purchased was made wasn't enough.
This is not the first time that my account had been attacked my internet fraudsters. few months ago somebody has managed to stole my debit bank details and has able to use my account to pay for a monthly basis of something else I didn't myself what. I also Ignored it on the first month since it was just $45.00 and I thought of just giving it to him as gift but to my horror I was again deducted the same amount the following month at almost the same date. Fortunately my bank has managed to blocked the said fraudster before he was able to used my card for the third time.
Lesson Learned: I really do like the hasslefree of using debit cards/Paypal online but being a victim for the third time, I may be having a second thought of using PayPal next time. PayPal used to be a secured online portal but not anymore this time because this guy has managed to stole my PayPal Account at his heart content.